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Loose Slots Give You a Fair Entertainment Deal

Before you even play slots, define your game. Some players say that entertainment should be your goal when you play and others say that you should think "win" every time you pull on that lever. But if you analyze the issue more deeply, you'd realize that you can not entirely divorce the two. It's quite hard to convince people to feel happy about the slots entertainment they just got out of a machine that quickly took 50 bucks from their wallet after playing for just an hour. No matter how high the payout percentage is, the house always has the edge and almost every self-respecting slots player knows this. A player may win a series of small pots, or maybe even the jackpot but in the long run he will eventually lose this all to the slot machine.

The problem of casinos is how to discard this image. That is why they have consistently promoted slots playing as a form of entertainment—with all the attractive themes, bells and whistles and have even offered freebies known in the casino world as "comps" to induce play. Actually, it is the prospect of winning or getting back at least a portion of what has been inserted in the slot machine that triggers the excitement and makes slots an enjoyable game. One of the most effective ways by which casinos deal with the problem that so-called negative experience generate is by letting loose on the gaming floor the so-called loose slots.

Far from the impression of many that loose slots are hidden by casinos in low-traffic areas so that they won't be played that much by slots players, these are actually placed in highly visible areas to generate excitement on the floor every time a win occurs and to let people playing them have as much fun as they can. This is not to say that all machines on the slots floor are loose. After all, casinos are businesses and they are there to make some decent profits. But in doing so, they must also provide a fair entertainment deal to the gaming public—which basically means that loose slots are mixed in the right proportion with tight slots and that the maximum percentage hold by casinos is regulated by the local gaming jurisdiction where the casino is located. Leaving it up to the gaming public where and how to find loose slots adds to the excitement and enjoyment of the game.
